Archive for the ‘Defaulted Student Loans’ Category


Ms. Shuster The Piker

December 6, 2009

What could you do with $100,000? What could you do if that $100,000 only required you write an essay containing 480 words and was written at Microsoft Word readability statistics of grade 10.6? Well I would think this would be a really good accomplishment especially if you beat out 40,000 other hopefuls. Chances are you might go to a local community college, a 4 year state school or in the case of Yelena Shuster you would go to Columbia University.

That’s right you would take your $100,000 attend a phenomenal school in the Eastern United States receive your degree and then bitch blog about how horrible it is to have an Ivy League education and unemployed.  I think back to the thousands of people that I have met throughout my high school and collegiate days and I cannot help but ponder what they would have been able to accomplish with that extra $100,000 just laying around.

This goes back to the issue I have of people and money and now with student loans. This individual won $100,000, she won an amount from an essay that sadly some people in our country will never at one instance in their life see yet she has the audacity to write about how bad it is to be her. Cry me a river especially when you come into the fortunate opportunity Ms. Shuster had. I have no respect for her and sadly she and I are from the same generation pool but the difference is I know how to pull myself up by the bootstraps.

Hey I just checked out the stats for my post, over 250+ words and written with a readability statistic of 12.0, this should be good enough for $60,000, right? Wrong. To the people like Ms. Shuster get over yourself and when you do that get a j-o-b. She, like many others, need to realize that she chose her education and her future is from the decisions she makes today. Maybe if she would spend more time focusing on getting a job and less time on blogging she could turn her blog title to Ivy League and employed dot com.  Just a thought. 

$100,000 Victory


Here’s a thought: Owe a debt, Pay it

December 5, 2009

I have been surfing the Internet today while watching the Alabama-Florida game and I came across an interesting website.  This site is Student Loan Justice Dot org and I decided to write out the name rather than link up to the site.  I have student loans and I am paying them even when I was unemployed and on a much smaller income I was paying my student loans.

Apparently this is a site that is dedicated purely to student loan borrowers who feel the loan industry is just as predatory as the housing industry.  I have empathy in that I understand where some of these people are coming from as far as taking out large loans as an 18 year old kid and not knowing what your future holds.  With that said though I do not have sympathy for these individuals.

When I took a pay cut to find employment well over a year ago I quickly realized that I had to add some other kind of work to supplement the missing income my family was accustomed to.  What did I do?  I went a got another part-time j-o-b.  How did that work out for me?  Well the part-time gig enabled me to not only pay my student loans, but to also provide private insurance coverage for my family.

I hate going back to the societal issues but the truth remains that we have some lazy people who are purely irresponsible.  The United States Department of Education did not tell me what school I had to go to, nor do they tell anyone else, but just like anything else if you take money out through a loan you’ve got to be prepared to pay it back.  Again I have empathy for these people but I do not have sympathy for those individuals within our society who are probably living next door.