
Problem Solvers or Excuse Makers?

December 8, 2009


I believe that we live in the greatest country known to man.  We live in a country where we have the freedom to write the story of our lives.  Some people diligently develop novels of success while others fail to see past themselves and the negative consequences of their own decisions.  I have written before that the poorest of the poor in the United States are living more comfortable than many citizens throughout the world.

As I have written prior to when it comes to the world of Student Loans I have no mercy for those individuals who suck the system for every penny they can get and then decide that hey it’s not fair.  Its predatory lending how could they expect me to pay x dollars back? 

I wonder how some of these people survive in the real world.  I read their stories one after the other and they even have support groups to pat each other on the back and say it’s alright not to pay your debt.  It’s not your fault it’s the mean ole Government’s fault.  Sadly some of these people did not do the necessary research before signing up for school while others obtained their degrees and then became shocked at their inability to make money.  Seriously who thinks they’re going to be able to pay back $50,000 on an artist salary?  What about the teacher who is agitated because of the lack of pay?

I look at the accomplishments I have obtained in my life and each one had nothing to do with luck or being rich or whatever excuse these people come up with.  I busted my butt to get my degree.  I worked full time and went to school full time so I could provide a better life for my family.  I feel content paying back my student loans because what I have been able to reap the benefits of.  Yet there are people who want to have a pity party for them talking about how their choice to take out a student loan is preventing them from having kids, living life to the fullest, yadda yadda yadda.

I have student loan debt, I have a family, I am providing for my family.  I know many people who are doing the same thing as me.  Paying back a debt that truly bettered their life.  There are two kinds of people truly in the world, problem solvers and excuse makers.  I find these members of groups who want to avoid paying their debt to comprise the latter part.

How smart are these people with their support groups?  I have yet to stumble across a “support group” for those individuals who have paid their obligation.  Yet these individuals who bleed the system for what they can get refer to those who meet their obligations as “rich, lucky, insert adjective here.”  I’m delighted and saddened by this great country that we live in.  Delighted because all of the opportunities and saddened at how so many people try to exploit these advantages.  What a great but sad world that we live in.

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