
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses…

December 13, 2009

I came across this post screaming the injustices of people having to pay their student loans back and I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Scratch that, I started laughing maniacally when I read these excuses. I couldn’t help but respond to these morons and give some simple common sense suggestions:

-“If I didn’t have to pay my student loan debt, I would spend money I don’t have now visiting my elderly parents more often. So I’d be spending the money with Southwest Airlines. Not even having a job I don’t know when I can see them again and they’re in their 80s. People don’t last forever and you never know when ‘never’ will come.”

You’re exactly right and if you didn’t have to pay for your mortgage/rent you wouldn’t have to worry about having a place to stay. Spending money with Southwest Airlines, eh? Seriously? More than likely the person would find a new “expenditure” other than flying to see their parents. We all say we’re going to do something but primarily fail to do so. Beg to differ? Need I say New Year’s Resolutions? Anyone? Anyone? My other piece of advice for this individual would be to suggest they move to a closer location to their parents. Being unemployed what’s holding them back? Meaning there is no job that is keeping them there.  If they’re married what about appealing to the spouse, I mean as the person said people don’t last forever and you never know when ‘never’ will come.

– “I’d spend at least $75.00 a month at Race Trac gas station so I could visit out of town friends. These are items I don’t get to purchase on account of owing so much to my lenders.”

They could spend $75 a month so this person could see out of town friends. Chances are they are connected to the World Wide Web and I would suggest video conferences, instant messages, or even email. Heck check out the applications on MySpace and Facebook and two friends or an entire group can enjoy a single martini and the cost is nothing. $75 per month, get over yourself.

– “I would shop at Target more often, for curtains and items I am really in need of but simply can no longer afford. Since the loan will take forever to repay, I will be curtailing spending for the [next] 20 years.”

My response to this person is that Target is not the only place to buy curtains and items that you “really” need. There are dollar stores, fabric stores, all over and worse case scenario if you cannot find what you’re looking for at a retail store do like in the olden days and make it yourself. Instant self gratification for you and you didn’t have to wait in line for it.

-” [It would nice to buy] action figures and baby dolls at Toys R Us.”

Yeah it would be but what about the days before Toys ‘R Us? I mean what did the pioneers before us do? Ah, then there’s Wal-Mart, Dollar Tree, etc. for toys that are cheaper. An even better idea would be to use something that money cannot buy and that is imagination. Amazingly it will go a long way.

Speaking of imagination I have to laugh every time I hear these people get their panties in a wad. They’re complaining about paying back the debt but instead of making excuses how about be a problem solver? I mean do something with your life. If these people would spend more time focusing on how to pay back their debt compared to the time they spend complaining they would be debt free and would be able to fly Southwest, be able to visit out of town friends, be able to shop at Target and be able to buy from Toys ‘R Us. What’s next are they going to start going after these companies for their prices being too high?

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