Archive for the ‘New Year's Resolutions’ Category


Focus Upon The End Result

November 14, 2012

So the more and more that I start to focus in on this financial fitness mumbo jumbo the more that I realize there are a ton of people (just like me) who are financially out-of-shape yet try to appear as if they are financially fit. Whether it be the neighbor down the street or the stranger in the grocery store the fact is there are more and more people trying to live up to the Jones’ expectations.

Sadly though I understand that the Jones’ and my expectations are going to be two totally different concepts. To be honest with you it sucks trying to save money. It is so much easier to keep blowing money but I’d rather not have fun and reap the benefits of saving money than have to deal with the stresses of having more month than money left.

In just a few days I will be celebrating Thirty-One years of being on this earth and sadly for almost all of those years I have been held captive to the slavery of debt. Now I am hoping to break through these chains with a fierceness that will leave the debt trembling into oblivion. The focus needs to be positive and needs to hone in on the baby steps of Dave Ramsey’s program. The very first thing we are going to have to concentrate upon is going to be obtaining $1,000 in our emergency fund to get past baby step one.

Now with that said in the next couple of days it is imperative that my family and I sit down and map out the dreaded budget. It is all about trying to find the right budget though because it cannot be too tough (get discouraged and quit) and not be too loose (not make any traction). If you are where I am, or have been where I am, or you are going to be getting at my starting point….feel free to voice your opinion here.


Dusting Off The Debt-Free Running Shoes

November 12, 2012

Just getting back into the thicket of this thing called becoming financially free and I must say that I am a little bit tingly about it. There are a couple of things that I realize that need to happen as I write this. The very first thing that I need to do is to evaluate where I am right now and where it is that I want to go. Obviously the end result is becoming debt free but instead of just saying this is where I want to be…I need to give great thought and detail to exactly how I’m going to get there.

There is a saying in the movie The Secret in which it states that energy flows where attention goes. How true is that? If a person wants to lose weight and they start focusing in on losing weight and putting their efforts to weight loss….what happens? They lose weight, right? Typically the answer is yes. So with that said….it is definitely time that I put my focus on losing debt. How great does that sound?

Secretly I am smiling on the inside as I write this tonight with my wife sitting next to me as we are watching the tube. Other than deciding that I need to become more active with the blog, I have also decided to pick up the Total Money Makeover book by Dave Ramsey off the shelf. The first thing I had to do was blow the dust off the cover but the pages are crisp and ripe for the reading. Here’s to the start of what will be many, many blog posts (hopefully).

If you’re reading this I hope you are able to help keep me and my family accountable with our daily grind and battle with debt.


Weaving the Web

January 9, 2012

It is amazing to me how easy it is to fall off the wagon of life. When I mention this wagon of life you can almost insert any word pertaining to that wagon. Whether it be working out, living on a budget, eating right, doing better at work, whatever that list might pertain the fact is it is easier to go back to slacker ways than to keep moving forward. I cannot but chuckle to myself as I looked on this site to realize that my last post for this site was almost one year ago. In fact it was 10 months ago the last time that I thought to myself I want to get back on my budget.

Truth be told I am not alone in my battle against debt. Let me take that back, I am not alone in my personal war on debt. So I am hopping on the wagon again and this time I am hoping that I can maintain my focus on slimming down my debt as well as slimming down my waistline. I love the lay out of my site here and I have decided to use this as my thoughts on everyday life. I am sure that we will laugh together, we will cry together, maybe disagree with each other, but one things for sure I plan on expressing my ideas and my goal in 2012 is to be able to claim that I am, “Debt Free!” I have made the mistake in the past of falling off the wagon and to be honest I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I’m taking the financial challenge in Twenty Twelve to becoming more financially fit as well as physically fit and this is going to be my stomping ground in doing so. Also I plan on setting the stage here as I grow as a Christian. Like I said this is going to be a mixture of all things in my life because I cannot grow in one area without growing in others. Here’s my spiderweb, let’s weave this web together!


My list of New Year’s Resolutions

January 4, 2010

I am finally designating my New Year’s resolutions for 2010 and prior to today I had not necessarily given the list as much thought as could be.  This is a combination of things that I want to see happen throughout the year Twenty Ten.

  1. Be a better spouse in 2010 to my beautiful bride of 6 years.
  2. Spend more quality time with my girls.
  3. Pay off more debt in 2010.
  4. Get in shape through exercise.
  5. Lose weight- Goal weight is 163 pounds by the end of August (my 10 year High School Reunion will be Labor Day weekend)
  6. Become more fluent in my Spanish speaking abilities solidifying my ability to read and write in Spanish.
  7. Buy the bed mattresses my wife continuously talks about.
  8. Be a better Boss for my employees.
  9. Go fishing with my family.
  10. Read my Bible and become a better student of the word.

Many of the things listed will require a change of lifestyle.  Substituting the drive-thru dollar menu for some good home cooked meals will be key to losing weight and getting back in shape.  I want to help out more with the daily housing duties with my wife.  She is an awesome woman and I want to show her through my actions.  Learning the Spanish can be beneficial and open up more opportunities in having the ability to speak both English and Spanish.  These are just a few of the ideas of the resolutions I would like to improve upon.  Hopefully I will be able to stay committed to this list and at year’s end know that I successfully accomplished these feats.