Archive for the ‘Republicans’ Category


Student Loan Debt Overtakes Credit Card Debt

September 24, 2010

I’m thinking back to a post that I wrote in December of last year about the excuses people make regarding student loans.  Almost 11 months later and I am still just as puzzled today as I was back then as to why people continue to make excuses as to why they cannot pay back on their educational loans.  I think the biggest reasoning is that too many people want to be the victim when it comes to dealing with their student loans.  The victim, are you serious?

Recently there was an article that came out detailing how student loans have now taken over as the largest debt owed in our country as $830 billion goes to student loan debt with $825 billion being that of credit card debt.  A person has to wonder truly what the big deal is as our society has turned to one where it is important to get an education.  If we traveled back in time 40 years ago the ideology of going to college was a luxury as it was not uncommon to land a good job with just a high school education.

Flash forward to the times of today and in this economy it is crucial in having a degree to be able to land good employment.  I’ve been approached in the past by parents telling me how their children are over qualified to work at McDonald’s, or any other fast food restaurant.  I cannot believe that parents are so naïve that they would actually believe this.  Any time I have needed a second job I have been able to walk into a fast food establishment and land a job shortly after completing the application.  For these parents believing their kids that they (the kids) are overqualified is completely asinine.

The problem with our country is that nobody wants to step up to the plate and take ownership for their actions.  Not too long ago a college professor shot up her department heads during a meeting and defense attorneys were quick to call insanity.  This is yet another case where people are too afraid to admit their actions.  The beds we sleep in today are from what we made yesterday and the beds we’ll sleep in tomorrow are being made today. 

Even though student loans may be a larger debt in America than credit cards the difference is the advantages given by having the degree.  Failing to pay a student loan back is part of the instant-gratification attitude of those graduating today.  Amazing how no one wants to pay their bills compared to the days of our grandparents.  What will the future of this country look like as these people become the leaders of tomorrow?


My Passions:

September 24, 2010

Family: My goal is to be able to provide for my immediate family.  The idea being that when I find out what it is that I want to be career wise then I will be able to reach a greater fulfillment to the ones that I love.  Ideally I would like to be able to be there for my family at a drop of a hat and the last thing that I want to do is look back on my life with regrets.

Technology: This passion stems from tinkering with computers, building databases, to utilizing the Internet.  I am fascinated with this realm and I understand there are stable companies within the computer repair market.  There must be some kind of market share that has not been tapped (as of yet) that I can cross over into.

Politics: I have my political views and let’s just say I find a passion in writing about current events.

Religion: This has not always been a strong passion of mine but the more I am immersed in the readings of the Bible the more I realize the path I need to take.  I have my religious beliefs and there is no influence in to changing my mind away from my savior, Jesus Christ.

Sales: This is a money maker for me (no pun intended).  I am very comfortable with building a rapport with others in establishing a solid trust base.  In the present and past I have had extreme success on the sales side.  I wonder what it would be like to dabble into the commission side of sales but if you go back to passion number 1 there are 3 other people depending upon my earnings.

Spanish: Even though many people will disagree with this the fact remains the United States of America is going away from an English-only speaking country to a wide array of languages being heard from coast-to-coast.  My love of the language is high and I have a general knowledge of the language but I know that I need to step up my study habits and immerse myself more into learning the language.  I know that the better my understanding of Spanish is the more opportunities will open as knowledge is power.  This power will open many doorways to regions of success unknown to me before.


Good Advice For Most People

January 2, 2010

After writing the previous post the entire thought process behind everything reminded me of the song “Why Don’t You Get a Job” by Offspring.  For what it’s worth I have added the link below for your viewing pleasures…


All Talk or Firm Discipline

December 22, 2009

Normally this is not a forum to discuss politics but transpiring events from Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has resulted in this post.  Apparently the Iranian president is dismissing the year-end deadline set by the Obama administration for Tehran to accept a U.N.-drafted deal to trade enriched uranium for nuclear fuel.

Let’s break this down even more…without a doubt Ahmadinejad gave an “F- You” statement to President Obama.  Our president was foolish enough to think those who oppose us actually want to sit down and have these chats with the messiah.  It’s not going to happen.  As Ahmadinejad stated that the international community can give his country as many deadlines as they want but they simply do not care.

Ahmadinejad wants talk where mutual respect is given and this is merely the same test a two year old gives their parents to see exactly what they can get away with.  Ahmadinejad is the child and Obama’s administration is the adult.  The question remains will the discipline be firm or will it be worthy of “Nanny 911”?  I’m leaning more towards calling help in as I do not think Obama can be firm with our opposition.  I can already sense Obama quivering at the thought of having a debacle after he pledged his campaign on sitting down and having peaceful talks with these vigilantes.

Mr. Obama wake up and realize that the American people are not buying into what you are saying and neither is the world.  The campaign promises that built the “Yes We Can” platform are quickly crumbling on the “what do we do from here” standpoint.  Leadership reflects attitude and when you dissect Obama he’s merely just another politician.  Here’s to the Hope and Change we can believe in…I’m still waiting.